Best of Curious Photos September 2010

Cartoon Jobs: NEW Beavis and Butthead seeks Storyboard Artists and Character Designers

What the --- check out this new job posting:
"Film Roman is currently accepting submissions for upcoming Storyboard and Character Design Positions on the Beavis and Butthead series.  If you have a flair for comedy, kick-ass drawing skills on both characters and backgrounds and a clear, simple and cinematic sense of staging, they'd love to meet you.
Proficiency,  comfort and speed working digitally in Storyboard Pro, with knowledge of Photoshop a MUST. Experience in Prime-time Animation and scripted dialogue driven series a plus.
All submissions/inquiries must be accompanied by a resume and a link to appropriate storyboard samples.  Candidates may be asked to complete a short in-character/on model storyboard test, so only those willing need apply.
Of special interest:
• Primetime Animation samples rather than children's programming .
• Subtle, restrained, yet unique and comic acting choices rather than traditional animation poses.
• Anatomically correct and expressive drawing, especially on hands and fists.

Please send resumes and submissions to: "

Pretty wild, huh? It's Beavis and Butthead 2.0: Reboot!

PS: Notice that "Proficiency,  comfort and speed working digitally in Storyboard Pro, with knowledge of Photoshop a MUST." If you're not up to speed on those apps, you gotta get hustlin'.

Check out my 3 hours of Toon Boom Storyboard Pro video tutorials at:

Dateless Dorothy becomes Dazzling Dotty! Gals…Get Hep to Happiness!

Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 01 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 02 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 03 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 04 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 05 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 06 This heartwarming tale is from My Friend Irma #20
My Friend Irma 20 cover Dan DecarloDateless Dorothy Mini Gym 07 The full comic book ad is below:Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym Full Page Comic Book Fitness Ad

With some highlights and details
you won’t wanna miss…

Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 08 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 09 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 10 …and this little bonus ad from the same comic book:

Save Your Hair My Friend Irma #20 - Page 32

Fail Compilation September 2010

Creative Scotch - 20 Pics

Extreme Yoga Poses - 46 Pics